542 research outputs found

    Safety Monitoring, Capital Structure, and "Financial Responsibility"

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    Firms will exert too little preventive care if damages are likely to exceed their equity. This is particularly important for environmental and product liability and motivates the current discussion about extending liability to creditors. We propose a model where the firm can be financed by equity, bank debt or publicly traded debt. There is a moral hazard problem about the choice of care that can be mitigated through stochastic monitoring of its safety standards. We show that the optimal allocation can always be implemented by a liability regime of "financial responsibility", that is mandatory liability coverage that can be fulfilled either by an insurer or by a lender. We find that the first best can only be achieved if the defendants are fully liable. This result is in contrast to related models which find liability below the level of harm optimal, and we show that the difference is due to the inclusion of safety monitoring. Financial responsibility is strictly superior to lender liability alone or strict liability without extended liability, but their relative ranking may vary.lender liability;compulsory insurance;choice betwwen private and public debt;limited liability effect

    Cotton: a picture story

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    Divisional Buyouts by Private Equity and the Market for Divested Assets

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    We study the role and performance of private equity (PE) in corporate asset sales. Corporate sellers obtain significantly positive excess returns in PE deals, gains in wealth significantly greater than for intercorporate asset sales. Based on exit valuations for 98% of PE deals, we find gains in enterprise value in buyouts are significantly greater than for benchmark firms. Corporate seller excess returns are positively correlated with subsequent gains in asset enterprise value. A parsimonious auction model suggests that only restructuring capabilities of PE (not acquisition of undervalued assets) can explain the pattern of the gains generated in these PE deals

    Metzincin's canonical methionine is responsible for the structural integrity of the zinc-binding site

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    The metzincins constitute a subclan of metalloproteases possessing a HEXXHXXGXXH/D zinc-binding consensus sequence where the three histidines are zinc ligands and the glutamic acid is the catalytic base. A completely conserved methionine is located downstream of this motif. Families of the metzincin clan comprise, besides others, astacins, adamalysins proteases, matrix metallo-proteases, and serralysins. The latter are extracellular 50kDa proteases secreted by Gram-negative bacteria via a type I secretion system. While there is a large body of structural and biochemical information available, the function of the conserved methionine has not been convincingly clarified yet. Here, we present the crystal structures of a number of mutants of the serralysin member protease C with the conserved methionine being replaced by Ile, Ala, and His. Together with our former report on the leucine and cysteine mutants, we demonstrate here that replacement of the methionine side chain results in an increasing distortion of the zinc-binding geometry, especially pronounced in the χ2 angles of the first and third histidine of the consensus sequence. This is correlated with an increasing loss of proteolytic activity and a sharp increase of flexibility of large segments of the polypeptide chai

    Safety Monitoring, Capital Structure, and "Financial Responsibility"

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    Firms will exert too little preventive care if damages are likely to exceed their equity. This is particularly important for environmental and product liability and motivates the current discussion about extending liability to creditors. We propose a model where the firm can be financed by equity, bank debt or publicly traded debt. There is a moral hazard problem about the choice of care that can be mitigated through stochastic monitoring of its safety standards. We show that the optimal allocation can always be implemented by a liability regime of "financial responsibility", that is mandatory liability coverage that can be fulfilled either by an insurer or by a lender. We find that the first best can only be achieved if the defendants are fully liable. This result is in contrast to related models which find liability below the level of harm optimal, and we show that the difference is due to the inclusion of safety monitoring. Financial responsibility is strictly superior to lender liability alone or strict liability without extended liability, but their relative ranking may vary.

    Fatigue and Depression in Sick-Listed Chronic Low Back Pain Patients

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    Objective: The relationship between fatigue and pain has been investigated previously, but little is known about the prevalence of substantial fatigue in patients sick-listed for chronic low back pain (CLBP) and about how fatigue is associated with depression, pain, and long-term disability. The aims of the study were to examine the prevalence of substantial fatigue; associations between fatigue, depression, and pain; and whether fatigue predicted long-term disability. Methods: Five hundred sixty-nine patients participating in a randomized controlled trial and sick-listed 2–10 months for LBP were included in the study. Cross-sectional analyses were conducted to investigate the prevalence and independent associations between fatigue, depression, pain, and disability, while longitudinal analyses were done to investigate the association between fatigue and long-term disability. Results: The prevalence of substantial fatigue was 69.7%. Women reported significantly more fatigue than men (t = −3.6, df = 551; P < .001). Those with substantial fatigue had higher pain intensity (t = −3.3, df = 534; P = 0.01), more depressive symptoms (t = −10.9, df = 454; P < 0.001), and more disability (t = −7.6, df = 539; P < 0.001) than those without substantial fatigue. Musculoskeletal pain and depression were independently associated with substantial fatigue. In the longitudinal analyses, fatigue predicted long-term disability at 3, 6, and 12 months' follow-up. After pain and depression were controlled for, fatigue remained a significant predictor of disability at 6 months' follow-up. Conclusions: The vast majority of the sick-listed CLBP patients reported substantial fatigue. Those with substantial fatigue had more pain and depressive symptoms and a significant risk of reporting more disability at 3, 6, and 12 months. Substantial fatigue is disabling in itself but also involves a risk of developing chronic fatigue syndrome and long-term disability

    Arbeidsmigrasjon og den nordiske modellen: : Møte mellom ulike arbeidspraksiser

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    Hva skjer med den nordiske modellen når store deler av arbeidsoperasjonene utføres av arbeidsinnvandrere som er midlertidig ansatte? I artikkelen anvendes organisasjonsteoretiske og institusjonelle perspektiver for å utforske hvordan den nordiske modellens premisser på virksomhetsnivå påvirkes av et høyt innslag av arbeidsinnvandrere. Analysen viser at arbeidsmigrantene møter institusjonelle logikker som bryter med arbeidserfaringer de har fra eget hjemland. Dette kan bety at økt arbeidsmigrasjon bidrar til å utfordre den nordiske arbeidslivsmodelle

    Photochemistry and magnetic resonance spectroscopy as probes of supramolecular structures and migration pathways of organic molecules and radicals adsorbed on zeolites

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    Magnetic resonance, surface area measurements and computational techniques have been integrated to elucidate the supramolecular photochemistry of two isomeric ketones adsorbed on two MFI zeolites (silicalite and ZSM-5) and to demonstrate that common factors proportional to the available external surface area operate to determine the measured parameters in each case

    Does regular antenatal exercise promote exclusive breastfeeding during the first 3 months of life? Secondary analyses of a randomized controlled trial

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    INTRODUCTION Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) and antenatal exercise are independently ssociated with positive short- and long-term health effects for women and their children. The aims of the study were to investigate whether antenatal exercise promotes EBF three months postpartum and further to explore factors associated with EBF at three months postpartum. METHODS This study was a follow-up of a Norwegian two-center randomized controlled trial to assess the effect of an antenatal exercise protocol. The recruited pregnant women were randomized to either a 12-week standardized antenatal exercise program with one weekly group training led by a physiotherapist and two weekly home training sessions or standard antenatal care. Women reported breastfeeding status in a questionnaire at three months postpartum. RESULTS Of the 726 women, 88% were EBF at three months postpartum. There was no significant difference in EBF rates between the intervention group (87%) and the control group (89%). EBF was positively associated with maternal education (AOR=3.4; 95% CI: 1.7–6.7) and EBF at discharge from the hospital (AOR=22.2; 95% CI: 10–49). Admission to neonatal intensive care unit was identified as a significant barrier to EBF (AOR=0.2; 95% CI: 0.1–0.4). Significantly more women in the non-EBF group had sought professional help compared to women in the EBF group (p≤0.001). CONCLUSIONS Regular physical exercise during pregnancy did not influence the exclusive breastfeeding rates at three months postpartum. Considering the health effects of exclusive breastfeeding and antenatal physical exercise, studies with follow-up periods beyond three months postpartum are warranted.publishedVersio
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